What is Montessori?

What is Montessori?

Maria Montessori (1870-1952) has been one of the most influential pioneers in early childhood education in this country. Her ideas have become known and recognised throughout the world and have significantly influenced mainstream education.

The Montessori approach aims to allow children to grow naturally, to retain their individuality, and to develop their own unique personality. Marie Montessori’s educational principles are based around the three central ideas outlined below:

  • All children want to learn. Within the freedom to investigate the world around them, they will become active learners.
  • From birth to six years of age, children have an absorbent mind. Everything that occurs in their life has a profound effect, and, therefore, the quality of early experiences is of fundamental importance to their self-construction.
  • Children pass through sensitive periods in their development.

Using a Montessori cylinder block

The qualities we aim to develop are tidiness, concentration, self-discipline, independence, obedience, self-confidence and to be outgoing and sociable.

We believe in Montessori theories on child development and use Montessori equipment and apparatus, but we must stress that we are is not a purist Montessori nursery. We have equipment from all major educational suppliers that we believe will enhance the children’s learning.

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